Napco Detectors

NAPCO's Adaptive® Dual Microwave/PIR detectors automatically adjust to their environment, minute by minute, for the ultimate false alarm immunity & reliability
Upon installation, a NAPCO Adaptive Microwave/PIR detector powers up, initialized in the first of its 12 senstivity modes, i.e., the most sensitive, enabling it to sample prevailing environmental conditions. Faced with hostility or tranquility, the Adaptive detector automatically selects the most appropriate detection mode accordingly, optimizing both intruder catch and stability. Each time the sensors detect a stimulus stong enough to generate a signal, but insufficient in strength to indicate an alarm, the detector will automatically change sensitivity modes, effectively widening the gap between the detected signal and its alarm threshold. Therefore, environmental disturbances, those that register by the PIR and/or microwave sensor, are better tolerated and the threat of false alarms or nuisance alarms is dramatically reduced.

Adaptive microwave/PIR Detectors continuously adjust to their environment, providing 100lb. pet/animal immunity and ultimate reliability & false alarm protection
These patented microwave/PIR sensors are the only ones on the market that actively & continuously monitor their environment, counteracting false alarms and re-sensitizing themselves to continually optimize catch performance. In fact, some will even notify you if they have been purposely or accidently blocked or masked.
Ideal in all installations, despite harsh environmental conditions and/or pet/rodent activity, they provide the best protection available from both intruders and false alarms.They pay for themselves with the first service call they prevent.

PIR1680PT offers protection against unexpected temperature changes
A unique, powerful feature of the PIR1680PT is its Room-Temp Alert which can be set to report temperature extremes before costly damages occur. The Temp Alert can be set to either low-temp or high-temp alert depending on the environment. In a cold environment, low-temp alert can help to prevent pipes from bursting or freezing, and in a hot environment high-temp can prevent an important freezer from melting
IQ Profiler offers unsurpassed detections and the easiest install
NAPCO has improved our already popular IQ Profiler by adding new Quick Catch Mode. The new Quick Catch makes the IQ Profiler even tougher by faster profiling of false and true alarms for verified intruder "catch" detection. Inside is advanced microprocessor-based circuitry with a built-in library of profiles of common false and real alarm sources, so the reliable unit rejects profiles of dogs, cats, birds, heaters, blinds, etc.
Living up to its "IQ" name, the IQ Profiler, installs quickly in under a minute with patented installation innovations. A quarter turn of a screwdriver in the back housing's mounting disk, and the unit embeds itself in any corner, with self-projecting, fast anchoring wall pins. Wiring is easy as well, with """Snap-down" terminal strips. Just insert stripped wires in each one, and snap down. Other features include look down/creep zones, a sensor chamber that prevents insect, draft and dust interference, and vertical aiming capabilities.

Independent tests prove that Gemini wireless outperforms the competition
Gemini transmitters range from keyfobs and panic buttons, to recessed door and surface-mount window/door contacts, to wireless PIR, PIR/Pet and dual sensors, and from wireless smokes and glass breaks to heat detectors. Simply put, Gemini’s uncommon crystal-control precision and omnidirectional circuitry, ensures the wireless/hardwire systems you provide your customers will dependably deliver the security and trouble-free, peace-of-mind they deserve for many years to come.
Ensuring ideal RF signal reception, during system setup Gemini Transmitter signal strength is indicated visually or audibly, right at the keypad, in every Gemini Keypad model. Know before you go that your transmitter and receiver alignment is optimized to yield the desired dependability, point for point.
We stand behind all NAPCO products with an unsurpassed 3 year warranty!

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