Fire Alarm Systems
255-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel, Dual SIM Cellular Communicator & LCD Touchpad Onboard
- Addressable All-in-One FACU with StarLink Fire MAX2 Dual SIM/Dual Network Cellular & LCD Touchpad Built In – Saves Equipment & Labor Costs
- 128 Addressable Points, Expandable to 255 (w/ 1 module, GEMC-FW-SLC)
- Inside: StarLink Fire MAX2 Dual SIM/Dual Path Communicator for 5G LTE-M alarm reporting built in, auto-selects best signal for Verizon & AT&T Cell Networks (red/blue network specific indicator inside) and swaps as needed.
- Selectable plans for sole or dual path service, cell or cell/IP in one &/or exclusive Super DualTM Supervised Dual Cell-Only Dual Path UL 864 Listed reporting (no IP/IT/ Firewall issues)
- Cloud Programmable from any Smart Device
- 7A/24V Power Supply, (4) 24V NACs @ 2A ea., max.
- XL Locking Enclosure: 25" x 14.25" x 5.2" (HWD) without cover. Houses up to 32Ah @24V battery backup capacity

New! FireLink FACP FLX2-32 with 5G StarLink Fire Max Dual Sim Inside
Now Available at the Distributor Near You
32-Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel, Dual SIM Cellular Communicator & LCD Touchpad Onboard
- Lowest Equipment Cost Available for Any Full-Featured Dual SIM Cellular Reporting Fire Alarm Solution
- Saves Both Installation Time & Money
- Award-Winning All-in-One Design - StarLink Fire Max 2 Dual SIM Cellular Alarm Reporting Intelligently selects between best QoS on Verizon® or AT&T®, w/ dynamic failover for best reporting reliability all the time, sole path, cell/IP or Super Dual™ UL864 supervised dual cell-only dual path
- Proven NAPCO StarLink Fire® Cell High-Performance Dual Diversity Twin Antennas & Signal Boost™ Circuitry for greater range & reliability (Cell/IP models also available)
- Powerful FACP with 7 Conventional Points, preprogrammed
- Cloud-based or Software Option for Custom PC-programming: Expandable up to 32 Points, including Conventional or Addressable Devices
- Powerful 4A Onboard Power Supply
- NFPA & UL Code Compliant - UL864 10th Edition & UL985, CSFM

- Lowest Equipment & Labor Cost Available for Any Full-Featured Cell Reporting Fire Alarm Solution
- Two Models: Save Time & Money:
- Original FIRELINK FACP 32: Conventional 8 to 32 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel, 8 conventional fire zones, suitable for 2-wire fire, preloaded program ideal for waterflow supervisory, expandable to 32; 2 programmable NAC circuits, 2A max @ 24V
- New FIRELINK XL 255 FACP: Addressable 128 to 255 Point Fire Alarm Control Panel, 128 addressable points fire zones, expandable to 255 w/ one module (GEMC-FWSLC); 4 programmable NAC circuits, 7A max @ 24V (SLC Fire Devices available – Analog smoke detector, analog heat detector, duct detector, pull station, conventional zone module & Short circuit isolator)

- Cellular &/or Cell/IP Communicator, Commercial Fire (StarLink Fire) Onboard:, reports on cyber-protected multibillion-dollar cellular networks, for maximum security & liability protection, code-compliant, replaces 2 POTs lines
- Built-in Annunciator: Menu-driven operation with backlit custom alphanumeric display and functionality for Reset, Acknowledge, Silence (with disable). Also Remote Annunciator, matching functionality, #FL-FK1
- Patented Signal Boost & Dual Diversity Cellular Antennas for maximum signal acquisition and null avoidance, receiving signals simultaneously on both antennas
- Reports to any Central Station, via dial up or IP, without any special equipment.
- Integrated sync and smart operation support on each NAC for System Sensor® and Wheelock® Notification Devices
- Power Supply, 4A @ 24V
- 100% Cloud Programmable from any smart device
- Original FireLink Locking Medium Enclosure for surface mount or recess mounting (between the studs) 16"x 14.25" x 5.2" (H x W x D) without cover. Houses up to 16Ah @ 24V battery backup capacity
- New! FireLink XL 255 Extra-Large Locking Enclosure for surface mount or recess mounting (between the studs) 14" x 25" x 5.2" (H x W x D) without cover. Houses up to 32Ah @ 24V battery backup capacity
- 36-Month Napco Warranty
- Agencies, Compliance:
UL 864 10th Ed., UL 1635 & NFPA 72 Editions 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 code, CSFM, NYCFD
- FL-32-FACP-LTEVS FireLink FACP 32 with sole path cell communicator & annunciator built in, Verizon
- FL-32-FACP-LTEAS FireLink FACP 32, as above, AT&T cell
- FL-32-FACP-LTEVI FireLink FACP 32 with sole/dual path cell/IP communicator & annunciator built in, Verizon
- FL-32-FACP-LTEAI FireLink FACP 32, as above, AT&T cell&/or IP
- FL-255-FACP-LTEVS FireLink XL 255 FACP 255 Point Addressable FACP (128 onboard, expandable to 255 with GEMC-FWSLC module) w/ sole/dual path cell/IP communicator & annunciator built in, Verizon
- FL-255-FACP-LTEAI FireLink XL 255 FACP 255 Point Addressable FACP as above, AT&T cell&/or IP
- GEMC-FWSLC 126Pt Fire Addressable SLC Loop Controller (expansion option for use w/ FireLink XL)
Note: For SLC Fire devices supported, see Firewolf Specs
FireLink Cloud Programming Demo at ISC West

- Max Fire RMR for You & Less Operational Expenses for Them on ALL FACUs 12V/24V, using 5G LTE-M Cellular Fire Alarm Reporting vs. POTs Landlines
- One High-Performance Model to Stock on Your Truck for Commercial Fire Communications: Both Verizon & AT&T plus either sole cell-only or dual path cell/IP reporting
- Easy Automatic Cell Network-Select for Max Signal Strength & Easy ID Cell Indicators, Red (VZ) / Blue (AT&T) inside
- See /Set SIM Status Remotely - using any PC or smart device
- Faster, Simpler to Install, When Techs are Scarce; NO panel reprogramming,Quick-Connect FACU Modular Jacks, NO additional power supply
- No Hidden Extra Costs: Self-Supervised, 4 EOLR inputs & 2 Form C-Outputs; Plus, 2 High-Performance Antennas Included
- New Lower Cost, Lower Rates & Instant Rebate for Napco Pros - Nothing to send in
- UL Listed End to End: UL 864 Listed StarLink FIre Communicator44 UL 864 Napco NY NOC w/ PA Failover44 Any Central Station’s UL Receiver
- SLE-MAX2-FIRE Universal Fire Communicator, Dual SIM, Dual Path, Panel-Powered Technology, ABS Plastic Housing
- SLE-MAX2-CFB Universal Fire Communicator, Dual SIM, Dual Path, Panel-Powered Technology
- SLE-MAX2-CFBPS Universal Fire Communicator, Dual SIM, Dual Path, Direct AC Power 120VAC Metal Housing w/ Provision for Plug-in TRF12 XFormer, 16VAC,20VA (w/ provision for backup battery.)
- SLE-WIFI-MODULE: Optionally connects supported dual path models to Internet via WiFi, eliminating Ethernet cable connection. Requires 7AH battery.(see WI2191)
- SLE-ANTEXT 04/30/50/75/100: StarLink Omni-X Optional Extended Range Marine-Grade Complete Antenna Kit, w/ all hardware & ground fault isolator plate, and varying lengths of ultra low-noise LMR 300 cable from 4' (04) to 30' (30) all the way to 100' (100), last numbers in SKU indicate cable length.
- SLE-FIRE-VR: FACU Voltage Drop Kit, maintains safe input voltage < 27.5VDC
- TRF12: Plug in AC Transformer, used w/ SLE-MAX2-CFBPS model, 16.5V / 20VA (use subject to local code).
- GEM-TAMPERKIT: Tamper switches and screws to protect metal housing where required.
- SLE-ULPS-R: Power Supply, for installations where FACU cannot provide Aux Power.
- SLE-FMBB: Opt.Metal Cable Management Backbox for surface mounting plastic StarLink communicator models adjacent to FACUs on same plane. Radio easily snaps in on 4 stand-offs, no rewiring. Red metal enclosure w/ 3/4" cable knockouts; 2 Connectors & 4" Conduit, supplied.
NEW! StarLink Fire FACP Savings Calculator App

All-New Savings Calculator App "Shows & Tells" Your Prospective Customers Actual Cost Savings with StarLink vs POTS
New! FREE StarLink Fire® Savings Calculator App helps show prospective enduser/customers their actual annual savings with StarLink cellular vs. copper POTS lines on their FACPs by month, year, or many years. With POTS lines continually being retired by Telco's across the country, it's a guaranteed Sales Closer Tool that the whole sales team can carry right on the phone in their pocket and gain RMR using StarLink Cellular. Downloadable for free today, from Apple® or Google Store®.
NAPCO's StarLink MAX Fire Communicators

StarLink Fire Commercial Fire Alarm Communicators
- Main Control board supports up to (2) Addressable SLCs (addressable Signaling Line Circuit controllers).
- Fire SLC Loop Controller
- Fire 4-wire bus for annunciators and non-SLC (conventional) devices, including 12V devices
- Power Supply includes either 4A or 7A @ 24V
- RS-232 Printer Module for optional onsite parallel printer
- Supports up to 7 fire annunciators, GEMC-FK1, mounted anywhere on the bus. (As few as one annunciator required on system for equipment savings.)
- Easy-to-use Gemini-style menu-driven operation with backlit custom alphanumeric display and functionality for Reset, Acknowledge, Silence (with disable).
Full Keyswitch Support - Synch module built in on each NAC (System Sensor & Wheelock protocols)
- Dual Phone Line built in
- 2 On board serial ports - one for internet reporting; one for high-speed local downloading
- TCP/IP Internet reporting module
- Regulated Auxiliary Power Supplies - Commercial fire, 12V regulated 2A or 1.75A version with plug in transfomer
- Addressable SLC Loop Isolator (optional use - for some fire applications requiring increased circuit integrity, e.g., meets Class A, Style 7 loop requirements.
- Choice of two enclosures - Between the studs enclosures, recess or surface mount –
- Larger version supports up to 32 AH at 24V. Dimensions: 24" x 14.25" x 5.2" (H x W x D) without cover. Removable battery shelves, accommodate pairs of 7Ah, 7.5Ah and 8Ah batteries, etc.
- Medium Enclosure – supports 16 AH at 24V. Dimensions: 16" x 14.25" x 5.2" (H x W x D) without cover. (16Ah battery backup capacity).
- Firewolf Fire Alarm Systems & Communications Specifications Sheet
Up to 255 Zones. Zones can come from any of the following initiating devices:
- Addressable SLC Loop – supports up to (2) 126 point loops
- Commercial RF Receiver –
- Supports Commercial Wireless Fire devices
- Wireless Smoke Detector
- Wireless Heat Detector
- Conventional 1- to 4-zone EZM Expansion modules on the 4-wire fire bus or SLC loops
- Conventional 2-wire or 4-wire smoke detector input module
- SLC Fire Devices Supported:
- Analog Smoke Detector
- Analog Heat Detector
- Duct Detector
- Pull Station
- Conventional Zone Module
- Short Circuit Isolator
Up to 96 outputs
- Four on board Class B or 2 Class A NAC circuits, 2 amps each, total 6.5 amps at 24V
- Built in Wheelock and System Sensor NAC sync/strobe/horn protocol allows initial silence of audible appliances while maintaining visual notification, without the use of additional modules.
- Addressable SLC Fire Devices: Supervised relay, unsupervised relay
- Fire 4-wire bus devices: 8 zone form C relay (GEMC-RM3008), 8 open collector output (GEMC-OUT8)
Napco Commercial Firewolf-Series System Advantages:
- Easy Wire Compatibility - SLC controller supports shielded, unshielded, twisted and untwisted wire - ideal for retrofits
- Longer SLC loop lengths, support more device loads each, too (see below for distance at maximum device load in alarm/standby each):
- 10,000 ft. #14AWG 6,200 ft. #16AWG 4,000 ft. #18AWG
- Support for Legacy and Existing Notification Appliances -One NAC output configurable for 12V for compatibility for easy retrofit compatibility
- UL Regulated NAC outputs
- Automatic drift compensation for smoke detectors
- Annunciators have flash-able firmware – for updates via Quickloader command
- Programmable obscuration level by smoke detector device
- Smoke Obscuration Report genererated remotely or locally or in any of 3 ways - Quickloader device sensitivity report allows the printout of a report for the AHJ listing the current status of all smoke detectors in the system including the programmed obscuration level and the actual sensitivity reading for each device. This report can be generated remotely (uploaded) or locally through notebook PC or use optional onsite printer.
- Full line of UL Commercial Devices for more flexibility & labor-savings Example, Use Gemini Commercial Wireless 2-input module (GEMC-WL-WD2) to convert any UL listed fire device into a UL wireless device, ideal for sprinkler supervisories or for use with pull stations (mounts on top of wall/conduit or in deep sngle-gang box (plastic).
- Separate 7Amp 4-NAC Extender (GEM-NAC7) – 4 onboard NACs with up to 2A ea., expandable for up to 24 per system. Up to 16Ah total battery capacity. Regulated 24V Aux. power. Monitors AC, battery trouble, tamper and ground fault on Napco bus - Also Provides Universal FACP support for easy standardization in upgrades
System Compliances
- NFPA 72, UL Commercial Fire, UL864 10th Edition, UL985, CSFM and NYC Fire Department Certifications

- Products
- Keypads
- Napco Detectors
- Gemini Wireless
- Connected Home
- Messenger
- Video
- Virtual Keypads
- Starlink Communications
- Intrusion Communicators
- Connected Home Communicators
- Commercial Fire Communicators
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Napco Commercial
- Access Control
- Gem-Touch

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